Sunday, November 2, 2008

Information Shift

One maddening aspect about reviews is that the person in charge provides variable information as definitions become more refined and broad document requests become narrowed.

I was part of the first group of people on this project, three more groups have been added and there are rumors of yet another group of people to be added. We've had some attrition on the project, which is to be expected.

Since the beginning, we have gone through a lot of information between training, further information provided by the litigation team, and random questions that have been individually answered. Consistent information doesn't seem to have been provided, but, as is typical, we try to fill each other in once questions arise. We also provide the litigation team information on what they have previously told us. Sometimes it changes after that, sometimes not.

People seem to be more confused right now, mostly due to the volume of new or refined directives. We're actually more fuzzy in some areas than when we started, and the litigation team is busier than ever so not in a position to clarify things for us as quickly as we'd like.

That's why there's a QC process, right?

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