Friday, November 21, 2008

Born Again Transactor

I've become a born-again transactor, faithfully charging an item or two each month; only things I need and I think all such purchases thus far have been online. While debit cards have the Visa and Mastercard logo, my understanding is that they don't carry with them the same consumer protections as do credit cards. Each month I pay my small balance in full.

It's frightening to think that Credit Cards are going to be more difficult to come by; my intro to credit was during boom times, when they came to me, so it was easy and I was special. Not so easy now.

I can't find the article, but I recently saw something indicating that more people are using credit cards to pay their utility bills. I'm not surprised, but they're doing neither themselves nor their credit a favor; I know, I've done it for convenience before, but once you get out of balance and are struggling to get bills paid, the credit card makes it more difficult to get back on track. With all the jobs being cut, it's more important than ever not to accrue unnecessary consumer debt.

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