Wednesday, November 26, 2008


With the economic downturn, people are talking about economizing. Everyone has a different idea of how to do so.

It's good to know that I'm not alone either in economizing or in strange manifestations thereof; I have decided not to pay more than a certain price for unnecessary items, like Lipton White Tea with Raspberry. I like it but don't need it, therefore I can reduce my consumption and only buy it when it's on sale. Water and hot tea get boring so I need options.

While I pay more attention to sales and coupons, it seems counterproductive to me to run around looking for prices at stores; I stick with my same tried and true store for most things, just paying attention to coupons and what's on sale. My shopping cart never has anything too exciting in it, usually the same items, week after week.


Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

In this market, I'm thankful to still have a job.

Freeloader Attorney said...

I hear you there! I'm happy my project continues.