Sunday, January 11, 2009

Suze Orman's New Book-Free Download Temporarily

Suze Orman has been on seemingly every show on every channel lately; she has a new book which can be downloaded on Oprah's webpage. I haven't looked at it and while I don't know that I'd go out and buy one of her books, it's definitely worth downloading.

Finances are always tricky, especially for those of us with lots of debt, in industries in which it's currently difficult to break into. Several months ago, I accidentally invited everyone my computer knew to join me on Linkedin. Just the other day I had a response from a woman with whom I worked last year; when I was cut from the project, she and another attorney were kept on. They were just let go at the end of the year.

Locally, I'm aware of one project and have seen ads posted; you know the ones, they're from some company that it's one of the usual suspects and you wonder how they can possibly have a project in your small market. I did see another ad which defied reality; they want document review attorneys in a small town a couple of hours from here. Because the town has a food manufacturing plant and is selling a lot of a product with which we're all familiar, it's possible that instead of hiring a firm a couple hours away, where there's an unlimited supply of out-of-work attorneys, they're trying to do it in-house.

While I didn't read the ad, in order to get people from out of town, they'd have to be paying for housing and expenses and would expect a similar rate to doc reviews here; since it's a small town, their market rates are likely lower and they may try to pay less than the going rate. If people are desperate enough, they'll get it.

A large local firm has done work for another state and because of the size of population and fiscal situation in that state, they were forced to import attorneys and put them up in hotels; it was a poor state and the attorneys were two to a room at the hotel.

I'm paying more attention to how I spend money and have still been good about bringing lunch to work; I fell off the wagon on Monday and bought my lunch, but brought it the rest of the week. I talk myself out of things I want because I realize I don't need most of them.

I keep thinking about getting a different phone. And periodically getting obsessive about it. I have a backup phone for when this one dies, and it's three years old, so I have no idea how long it's going to last. One of my colleagues is offering me an old phone; her husband is the guy who gets a new phone, then takes her old phone when she gets a new one, so it sounds like they always have phones lying around the house. I may take her up on it so I get what I want and don't spend money.

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