Friday, January 9, 2009

Post-Consumer Trauma

Now that consumerism has gone the way of the dodo bird, what next? I have already significantly reduced my consumer behavior, and was ahead of the curve, for which I'm thankful. While I occasionally experience a lapse in judgment, it rarely happens; okay a couple of cashmere sweaters before Christmas that went back, but really, that's it.

I wasn't around when President Kennedy told us we should ask not what our country could do for us; I was around when we were told to keep shopping or the terrorists would have won. At the time I was thinking of those foreign terrorists, not the domestic ones.

But what's next? I don't personally know anyone who has lost a job recently; just contract attorneys who are out of work and looking; however, the economy hasn't been great in all sectors for the last few years and I work with someone who went from PT to looking for a FT job with benefits because her husband's situation started to seem iffy. She has been on her current job for a year and her husband just had his hours cut. Kudos to them for seeing the future.

Hopefully jobs will return.

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