Thursday, August 21, 2008

New CLE Reporting Period

Now that my new reporting period has started, I've done the math; if I attend each of the four free all-day CLE's of which I'm aware in the next year, I will have completed over half of my CLE credits for this reporting period. I don't know if it will be possible; however, between the one I recently attended and the one in September, it's about 25% of the total required.

Now that it's August, the lunchtime CLE's should be starting up again. Based on the timeframe in which I'm allowed to work on a given day, and the more central work location for this project, I should have no trouble finding one lunchtime CLE a month to attend.

the breakfast CLE's at my law school will barely squeak in as an option: I can start as late as 9:30 and that's the earliest I would be able to arrive due to distance and parking. As it's a short project, it may be a moot point. Since they want licensed attorneys, I'm sure if I let them know it won't be a problem.

It seems like the shorter the project, the tighter the controls. And they're pretty tight on this one.

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