Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Project Extension

Our project has been extended and will have more people added. We've been informed that some of us will be diverted to other aspects, such as QC and a few other necessary evils.

Not that QC'ers are actually evil, but sometimes they seem so. On one review, the person in charge made it a clandestine activity, only known to those who were doing it. Eventually everyone knew who was on the QC team. On other projects, QC was segregated and didn't even sit with the other reviewers. I don't know whether that's typical or not.

I'm pleased at the extension of my paycheck and hope to have many more to come though I'm disappointed that OT hasn't been mentioned as a possibility. We thought the end of September would be the end, but it appears we'll be working through October. That may not seem long, but every month helps!

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