Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Busy Project Season, Maybe

Fall and Winter tend to have more projects on offer in my area. Not this year. I'm still working but that could change at any time, even though they say we'll be here for a couple of months.

I know a few others who are currently working, but know more reviewers who are out on the street, looking to see what possibilities show themselves. As always, more players are coming into town.

An agency of which I haven't heard, which doesn't appear to have a local office, is looking for project managers for upcoming projects. The only thing we can think is that their office has a client with an office in my city. Which doesn't make as much sense as thinking they're low on out of work attorneys in their smaller east coast city and want to take advantage of lower real estate and labor costs in this area.

We have plenty of attorneys looking for work so it isn't a stretch to think they could staff a big project.

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