Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Location! Location! Location!

My current, soon-to-end project is in a different part of downtown; before, I was nearer the edge, so parking was $7.50 and the bus dropped me off on the doorstep of the building in the morning; I had to walk a block in the afternoon. Now that I'm closer to the heart of downtown, I have a three-block walk in the morning and three in the afternoon; if I walked the two blocks, the bus is full by then. I'm further from where the bus starts its route so walk a block down in order to catch a bus sooner.

This location is more convenient for shopping, which I'm trying not to do; major department store is just through the skyway and they have all kinds of things, including lunch. I've been good about bringing lunch and have done so all but the first day.

My lunch tends to be boring; sandwich and fruit. I bring a breakfast bar or granola bar, yogurt and banana for morning and at some point branch out to sandwich and more fruit later in the day. I drink a lot of water and try to avoid snacking. There's a convenience store on skyway level; which, for those of you who live in cities without skyways, is the second floor. Many buildings downtown are connected above street level with enclosed walkways. Think Habitrail for humans.

While this location is better in some ways, it's further from: my credit union, friends who work downtown and the bus pass store. It isn't that far, but a bit too far to go on a 15-minute break.

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