Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Advantages of Living Near ones Law School

As I've been thinking about my talents, education and interests, I've looked at jobs that want some background in statistics, of which I have none. So I keep thinking that I should take a statistics class but hadn't seriously looked into it. Until a free class fell into my lap a few weeks ago.

Much to my surprise, my alma mater is starting a Statistics Class for Attorneys. Even more surprising? Tuition waived for alumni. And? They're applying for CLE credits! The book? $30! That's an incredible deal. Because law school hours are 50 minutes and CLE hours are 60 minutes, there will be a conversion. I assume that CLE credits will be based on each night of class, though it could be done as an aggregate. I think it'll be about 11.5 credits total. That, plus the CLE I attended in July and the one Sept. 11, takes me to about the halfway mark.

I e-mailed the contact person immediately, providing my year of graduation so am in the class.

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