Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Missing Posts

I'm a bit embarrassed about missing a few days of posting. I just didn't think of it, which isn't like me. I occasionally worry about failure to post, but have been pretty consistent, up until the last few days!

I'm busily stocking up on groceries for fall, now that it's starting to cool off. I'm excited that my local grocery store has had buy one get one free products lately; potato chips, cereal, olives, hummus, all kinds of stuff. My favorite is when they have meat. Last week they had pork chops on a buy one get one free, which is a great deal.

They have also had buy two get one free items as well as a few buy one, get two free! I stocked up on iced tea and sunflower seeds during those specials. While I'll never be one of those people whose grocery bill dwindles to $10 because of coupons, I do make a point of watching for deals. I decided not to buy iced tea (since I don't really need to have it), unless it's on sale, and then I stock up. It makes grocery shopping easier, and as an added benefit, because I rarely stray from the perimeter of the store, I'm losing weight.

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