Sunday, July 6, 2008

Annoying co-workers

If you work in an office with other people, chances are good that someone you work with annoys the hell out of you. What you have to remember is that for every person you find annoying, you're also on someone else's list of annoying people. It's inevitable.

One thing I noticed in school is that the annoyance level can change; I think I just got used to people because they'd really annoy me one semester and the next there would be someone else more annoying, even if the first person was in the same class.

Think about your habits and which of them could bother someone else. Is there something you can change so you're less annoying?

Before I bought an ipod, I listened to CD's on the computer for awhile. It sounded like it was taking off sometimes, particularly when I played Bob Dylan's Modern Times. I stopped playing it and eventually got out my old discman. As you mock me as a Luddite, keep in mind that since then I have seen more than one person on the bus from suburbia listening to tapes on a walkman!

That's the most annoying thing that I know of that I've done on a review. I'm sure there are others. Eating crunchy food at my desk isn't one of them.

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