Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Home Ownership and Blogging Away Debt

As I try to reduce my debt and look seek in vain a job of my own, I look at all the houses for sale and wonder whether I'll ever own a home. I just received the letter in the mail telling me that my loan obligation for my smallest loan had been paid in full. I have also decided to change the order in which I pay off my loans; the next smallest loan is a logical place to start, but the interest is lower on that than on the larger one. It's just a different private loan, not my gigantic federal loan.

While I haven't stated the exact amount of my debt, I don't need to; anyone reading this knows my approximate amount of debt! Yet there are those who have provided exact information and anyone reading their blog will have that information. That's a little too much information for me to provide! I like Blogging away Debt, they share a lot of great information.

Now that I've eliminated all consumer debt and have paid off one loan, I'm looking forward to paying off the next loan; I hope to be in a position within the next year or two to buy a home. Sadly, that means hoping the housing market doesn't rebound and that there will still be a glut of houses on the market.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

document review and mortgages are interesting subject. .... not permanent employment that will make the broker happy... but cash nevertheless...

keep plugging away