Sunday, October 26, 2008

Shopping in a Bad Economy

I haven't gone to the mall in ages. I sometimes go to TJ Maxx, Marshalls or Nordstrom Rack when I want something new; I'm more likely to go to a thrift store, Kohl's or a consignment shop.

I bought a couple of skirts at Nordstrom Rack a few weeks ago. I had a wedding to go to and nothing to wear. It was outside so I really didn't need anything too fancy and ended up pairing a long black skirt with a hot pink twinset. The skirt was about $40 but is quite versatile. I also bought a shorter black skirt in a similar style but different fabric. I'd like a couple more sweaters but that can wait a bit.

I really don't need anything, which is why I stay out of the mall; thrift stores are a different matter altogether. I'm a reader by nature so need to get a new supply of books and check out their offerings regularly. I usually find some other thing that I want but don't need and at thrift store prices am more likely to buy.

One of the stores I shop at has higher quality merchandise but corresponding higher prices, which is fine sometimes but not so much other times. The same store has a very nice book department and categorizes them by genre so for the most part you only have to look in the section that should have the type of books you want. They probably sell a lot more books because of it since people aren't always interested in looking through every book in the place.

What I find a bit frightening is the number of new stores and restaurants still opening. I realize the plans were begun a few years ago and it isn't always possible to put them on hold or cancel. We really don't need more stores.

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