Thursday, October 9, 2008

Personal items people bring to document reviews

People tend to bring personal items with them to document reviews despite being discouraged by circumstances. It's one thing when you have a drawer to put things in, but that isn't always available. I'm always leery of leaving items behind in the evening, because you never know when the review will end or you for some reason will be dismissed.

Beyond the coffee mug, water bottle or snacks, people bring sweaters, CD's, lotion, kleenex, hand sanitizer, hot pots, coffee pots and mug warmers.

Some people bring a whole warehouse of snacks, beverages, personal coffee, tea, a salad bar; I'm actually not kidding with that one. On one review, instead of bringing lunch every day, there was someone who brought salad fixings and made a salad every day. Others bring 12-packs of soda, replenishing their supply as needed.

I don't bring a lot to a review. I have a gigantic purse, and most of what I need fits right in. Because I expect my current review to go a few more weeks, I leave lotion, tea and gum at my work station, my milk is in the fridge. I only leave things that are easily replaceable and I wouldn't be upset if for some reason I wasn't going back.

After all, we're not going to be there forever. It only seems that way.

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