Monday, October 20, 2008

Networking for Introverts

My brother is the best networker ever; he chatted with someone at his part-time job selling flowers at the farmer's market when he was in college and ended up getting an internship with the city. That was pretty amazing. Right now he's doing contract work for an outfit that manufactures computers. He met someone on a chatroom who brought his resume to the company that employs her. When he got hired and went to another state, he ended up staying with chatroom girl and her family until he could make other arrangements.

With him it comes naturally. I have to force myself. If I'm at a short CLE, breakfast or lunch, I make a point of introducing myself to one person and trying to find out where they work, what they do and if they'll schedule a meeting with me. I'm rarely unsuccessful and if I am, no worries. There's always someone else to chat with.

Because I'm an introvert, chatting with strangers doesn't come naturally to me and is stressful. I know it's necessary, and while I enjoy the conversations in the end, it's difficult to force myself to initiate conversation. I envy those to whom meeting strangers comes naturally.

But I'm here to tell you that it can be done.

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