Sunday, April 19, 2009

Your Resume will be Kept on File

We've all been told that our resumes would be kept on file. Most of the time it seems like a throwaway line, so you don't feel bad about not getting the job, or decide to hate the company. While it likely is at times, I have had calls back from companies who kept my resume.

In fact, one time I ended up getting the job. It seemed like a good idea at the time, so I took the job. I ended up working there for a short period of time as it wasn't a good fit for me on many levels. I had been working as an editor, dealing with content and went to a job with the same title, at another fairly small, very dysfunctional company, but with work that was far less interesting. It was really a project manager position rather than editorial, but of course there was no way for me to discern that before starting the job.

I haven't actually had anyone tell me they'd keep my resume on file lately, though the associates at my last contract attorney position told me to keep in touch and let them know if I become available again. They still have one of my colleagues doing contract work; they talk about hiring her in a staff attorney position but have not done so as of yet. I don't think the firm has had layoffs, though it can't be her work that stops them from making her permanent. They really like her and are happy to have her.

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