Friday, July 17, 2009

Alice's Wonder Spray

A low-cost household cleaner.

ALICE'S Wonder Spray

This cleaner will kill 82 percent of molds and 99 percent of bacteria in a household, according to Ami Voeltz of Do It Green Minnesota. It costs only 14 cents, whereas a store-bought cleaner runs $4 to $20 a bottle. Making your own is kinder to the environment, and you save packaging by using your own reusable bottle.

• 1 c. white vinegar

• 2 tsp. borax

• 32 oz. (4 c.) hot water

• 20 drops essential oil, optional

•1/4 c. liquid dish soap


Combine vinegar and borax with 32 ounces hot water. Add an essential oil (if desired, for fragrance) and dish soap. Place in a spray bottle and be sure to label it.


I have all the ingredients but need to make sure I have a clean spray bottle. I wonder if the dollar store sells them?

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