Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I report this year and paid $85 in total for my CLE's

The first time I reported, I paid a ton of money for CLE's. I wasn't even working at the time so it was a hardship. The following year I started finding out that there are free CLE's and attended a few. I still paid for some at my alma mater, but they were little $10 breakfasts for the most part. I did splurge on a half day that included breakfast and lunch for $25.

Minnesota Lawyers Mutual
puts on a free 3-credit Ethics CLE each year in several jurisdictions. I attended last year and it was good.

Kinney & Lange
in Minneapolis has an annual IP seminar. Free. All day. Great information.

Roy Adams is a national speaker and in several jurisdictions does an all day broadcast seminar; free if you attend the live version. Look for this in your area. Sponsors vary by location.

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